Am Fr., 3. Sept. 2021 um 11:32 Uhr schrieb Thomas Morley <>:
> A file like the attachment to > > would be a bit more work to convert, I suppose, although I didn't try ... > The link to the attachment of above link is dead, thus I attach the file.
\version "2.17.26" %% code by Piaras Hoban %% \language "english" clusterps = " /botleftx ~4f def /botlefty ~4f def /topleftx ~4f def /toplefty ~4f def /botrightx ~4f def /botrighty ~4f def /toprightx ~4f def /toprighty ~4f def /notewidth ~4f def /noteheight ~4f def /length toprightx topleftx sub def /height 100 def /stepsize 0.325 def /boxpath { botleftx botlefty moveto topleftx toplefty lineto toprightx toprighty lineto botrightx botrighty lineto closepath } def gsave currentpoint translate newpath 0.5 setlinewidth botleftx notewidth 2 div sub botlefty noteheight 0.325 mul add moveto topleftx notewidth 2 div sub toplefty noteheight 0.325 mul sub lineto stroke newpath 0.5 setlinewidth botrightx notewidth 2 div add botrighty noteheight 0.275 mul add moveto toprightx notewidth 2 div add toprighty noteheight 0.275 mul sub lineto stroke newpath 0.125 setlinewidth newpath boxpath stroke boxpath clip gsave 0.1 setlinewidth %draw vertival lines (huge default length is used... probably bit hackish but sure...) 0 stepsize length stepsize div 1 sub { stepsize 2 mul -50 moveto stepsize 0 translate stepsize 0.1 add height lineto stroke } for grestore grestore " #(define (roundx x base) (* base (round (/ x base))) ) #(define (real-stencil-extent extent left-bound) (if (= (roundx (car extent) 0.5) (roundx left-bound 0.5)) (cons (car extent) (cdr extent)) (cons (cdr extent) (car extent)) ) ) #(define (cluster-gliss function grob) (let* ( (notecol (ly:grob-parent (ly:grob-parent grob X) X)) (notehead-height (interval-length (ly:grob-extent (ly:grob-parent grob X) notecol Y))) (notehead-width (interval-length (ly:grob-extent (ly:grob-parent grob X) notecol Y))) (hnh (* notehead-height 0)) (hnw (* notehead-width 0)) (stencil (function grob)) (x-extent (ly:stencil-extent stencil X)) (y-extent (ly:stencil-extent stencil Y)) (left-bound (ly:grob-property grob 'left-bound-info)) (left-y (cdr (assoc 'Y left-bound))) (real-y-extent (real-stencil-extent y-extent left-y)) (ps-stencil (if (not (assoc 'other-bound (ly:grob-property notecol 'meta))) (begin (set! (ly:grob-property notecol 'meta) (append (ly:grob-property notecol 'meta) (list (cons 'other-bound (cons x-extent real-y-extent))))) empty-stencil ) (let* ( (other-bound (cdr (assoc 'other-bound (ly:grob-property notecol 'meta)))) (other-x (car other-bound)) (other-y (cdr other-bound)) (gliss-direction (if (< (car real-y-extent) (car other-y)) 1 -1 )) (point-a (cons (car x-extent) (car real-y-extent))) (point-b (cons (cdr x-extent) (cdr real-y-extent))) (point-c (cons (car other-x) (car other-y))) (point-d (cons (cdr other-x) (cdr other-y))) (point-list (list point-a point-b point-c point-d)) (sorted-point-list (sort point-list (lambda (x y) (if (= (car x) (car y)) (< (cdr x) (cdr y)) (< (car x) (car y)) ) ) )) (point-a (first sorted-point-list)) (point-b (second sorted-point-list)) (point-c (third sorted-point-list)) (point-d (fourth sorted-point-list)) ) (ly:make-stencil (list 'embedded-ps (ly:format clusterps ;;bottom-left (- (car point-a) hnw) (- (cdr point-a) hnh) ;;top-left (- (car point-b) hnw) (+ (cdr point-b) hnh) ;;bottom-right (+ (car point-c) hnw) (- (cdr point-c) hnh) ;;top-right (+ (car point-d) hnw) (+ (cdr point-d) hnh) notehead-width notehead-height )) (cons 0 0) (cons 0 0))) )) ) ps-stencil )) #(define-public ((glissando::cluster-gliss-wrapper function) grob) (begin (cluster-gliss function grob) ) ) clusterGliss = { \once \override Glissando.bound-details.left.padding = #0 \once \override Glissando.bound-details.right.padding = #0 \once \override Glissando.stencil = #(glissando::cluster-gliss-wrapper ly:line-spanner::print) } \score { \new Score \with { proportionalNotationDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1/25) \override NoteHead.stem-attachment = #'(0 . 0) }{ \new PianoStaff << \new Staff ="right" { \clusterGliss <c' g''>2 \glissando \change Staff = "left" \clusterGliss <a,, c,>4 \glissando \change Staff = "right" \clusterGliss <g'' g'''>8. \glissando <e' a'>16 } \new Staff ="left" { \clef bass s1 } >> } } \paper { ragged-right = ##t } #(set-global-staff-size 42) #(set-default-paper-size "a4" 'landscape)