Thomas Morley <> writes:

> Hi,
> while experimenting with test codes for issue
> I stumbled across:
> \score {
>   { \tempo 8 = 88 c'8^"toplevel Score" }
>   \layout { #(layout-set-staff-size 40) }
> }
> \book {
>   \paper { #(layout-set-staff-size 40) }
>   { \tempo 8 = 88 c'8^"explicit book" }
> }
> Both in one file.
> The text in the toplevel score is cramped. Output attached.
> No idea what happens... Though, it's similar even for ancient 2.12.3
> and all upstream versions.

I don't think layout-set-staff-size ever worked in a manner people
expected it to.  It retains some globally set sizes and changes some
other ones.  People are usually advised to use global-set-staff-size :
maybe layout-set-staff-size only makes sense in a score markup?  There
you would not want to use global-set-staff-size I think?

David Kastrup

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