Han-Wen Nienhuys <hanw...@gmail.com> writes:
> On Fri, Mar 12, 2021 at 11:28 PM Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
> <arne_...@web.de> wrote:
>> >> there’s a Guile 3.0.6 release planned that includes a rewrite of the
>> >> reader in Scheme. It has speed in the same order of magnitude as the
>> >> previous reader but might have different performance characteristics.
>> >>
>> >> If I remember correctly, lilypond uses the reader a lot, so if you have
>> >> a test-system with lilypond on Guile 3, could you test how running
>> >> lilypond with the current Guile master from git affects lilypond?
>> >
>> > last time I looked, building GUILE 3 from source was truly glacial,
>> > making this kind of thing annoying to check.
>> If you build from tarball it is much faster, because it then provides
>> pre-created bootstrapping files. What’s so slow is creating the initial
>> optimized reader.
> That wouldn't work for testing a prerelease, though.

That’s true, yes. To ease this testing, creating a pre-release tarball
could help.

>> > You say "same order of magnitude". Do you have benchmarks so we know
>> > what to expect?
>> The current *average* spead of the reader is roughly 80% of the reader
>> implemented in C, but with different performance characteristics. I’m
> $ cat ../bench.ly
> #(define (microseconds)
>   (let* ((t (gettimeofday))
> (us (/ (cdr t) 1000000.0)))
>    (+ (car t) us)))
> #(define start (microseconds))
> % \include "bench-largeexp.ly"
> \include "bench-manysmall.ly"
> #(newline)
> #(display (- (microseconds) start))
> Parsing & evaluating '(1 2 3) 200 times.
> - guile 1.8: 1.25ms
> - guile 2.2: 3.2ms
> - guile 3.0.6: 2.08ms

That actually looks pretty good. Slowly fighting the way back to the
reader speed of 1.8.

> Parsing & evaluating the giant expression in define-grobs.scm once:
> - guile 1.8: 10.6ms
> - guile 2.2: 166ms
> - guile 3.0.6: 71ms

Yikes! That’s still factor 7 slower.

> Parsing & evaluating the giant expression in define-grobs.scm once
> (but quoted, ie. not real evaluation):
> - guile 1.8: 10.0ms
> - guile 2.2: 13ms
> - guile 3.0.6: 12.8ms
> In summary, the read speed itself for large expressions is on the same
> order as 1.8, but for many small expressions (which is a much more
> common use-case) there is still a 60% slowdown.

That’s much nicer now, but still room for improvement. And going by
discussions on #guile, there is still room for speedups in the new

>> asking here because I want to avoid surprising and avoidable changes
>> that block Lilypond. I consider Lilypond to be the most important
>> flagship project of Guile, and I want to do what I can to prevent
>> unnecessary friction.
> I appreciate the heads up you gave here today, but from our side, it
> doesn't seem like the Guile project is much concerned with our needs.

I’m trying to keep focus on the needs of Lilypoond. That’s also why I
asked here.

Also Guix is helping to push Guile towards the requirements of Lilypond
again — see

Can I forward your results to the Guile mailing list?

> The evaluation speed of GUILE 3.x is still pretty poor. Having fast,
> JIT'ed code seems interesting in theory, but the way it's implemented
> in Guile 3.x is a giant headache: the separate byte compilation is
> extremely slow, and it is hard to manage (where should the .go files
> be stored/installed, how/when are they generated etc.). It also
> doesn't match our use case, because a lot of the code that we have
> comes from .ly files, so it cannot be precompiled.

The article linked above shows that setting -O1 as optimization of the
code could help (if you’re not already doing that).

Best wishes,
Unpolitisch sein
heißt politisch sein
ohne es zu merken

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