Hello Bernard, thank you!
What concerns imported watercolors and graphics, I never ever have gone so
far. My questions in the letter are the most basic ones related to my
notation style of 1960s. There are very few essentials left unmentioned.
Therefore I still expect somebody of the developers to comment these
snippets of code I submit in it. I tend to hold myself nearest to the
graphic vocabulary that LulyPond already contains.

*Леонід - Leonid*


On Sat, Jan 30, 2021 at 6:38 PM Andrew Bernard <andrew.bern...@gmail.com>

> Hello Leonid,
> Re contemporary notation, others have answered, but I would like to chime
> in.
> First let me say that Lilypond is extensible, via Scheme code and
> functions. So there is very little that you cannot achieve, with work.
> This requires an investment of time and learning Scheme, but you will
> be well rewarded.
> I set a lot of New Complexity School scores by a colleague of mine.
> The music can be very dense, and often departs from the Common Era
> period notation - which Lilypond is principally designed for.
> Consequently, over the years I have built an extensive library of
> Scheme functions to handle my needs. This is a big advantage of
> Lilypond over Those Other Programs.
> Adding to previous comments, music notation is not standardised once
> outside Common Era (and even then...). Each of the composers you
> mentioned has an idiosyncratic style. Each contemporary composer has
> their own take on notation. Some people use graphical notation, far
> from normal notes. It's unfortunate that there is even a section in
> the manual about contemporary notation. I suggest it would be better
> removed. Even if we had the large numbers of volunteers required, it
> is absurd to think somebody is going to devote hundreds of hours to
> modules just for say, Penderecki, when the demand for such is likely
> to be close to zero. This is saved by the fact that you can code what
> you need yourself, or ask help from the list with parts that you find
> tricky of difficult.
> Technical questions also do better with an example. Your requirements
> are non-specific. Can you post an image of a page of your typical
> score style you are considering, and I can give you advice on what to
> do. I can say at the start that if you are a composer that uses
> graphics and pictures and watercolour washes and so on, Lilypond is
> not the way to go. You'd burn out quickly trying to set that sort of
> music in Lilypond. A job for Inkscape or similar, as others have also
> mentioned. But do show us want you want to achieve.
> Andrew
> On Sat, 30 Jan 2021 at 23:28, Dan Eble <d...@faithful.be> wrote:
> >
> > > ------ Original Message ------
> > > From: "Leonid Hrabovsky" <lhrabov...@gmail.com>
> > > To: t.dani...@treda.co.uk
> > ...
> > >> So my question to you - how soon I and other users may expect the
> appearance of exhaustive covering all kinds of notation like Stockhausen,
> early Penderecki, Lutoslawski e.a.? Some isolated moments of it I see in
> Snippets, but it is far from enough for me.
> > >> Thank you in advance for your answer.
> >
> > Leonid,
> >
> > LilyPond is developed by volunteers working on whatever is worth the
> value of their discretionary time in their own eyes.  The only person who
> could answer your question would be one planning to do that work.
> >
> > I'm sure this response is unsatisfying, but it might the only response
> you get.
> >
> > Ciao,
> > —
> > Dan
> >
> >

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