On 29/11/2020 17:26, Thomas Morley wrote:
while preparing a patch, I couldn't build the docs on my local branch
for unknown reasons.
Making sure it works at all, I switched to master out of
and tried:
~/lilypond-git/build (master)$ make LANGS='en' doc
It fails with:
Making latt1095.tfm in TeXLive (mktextfm)
Making larm1095.tfm in TeXLive (mktextfm)
Making Documentation/out-www/en/internals.pdf < texi
Please check the logfile
for errors. Last 20 lines:
Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 57331--57339
@texttt . 123) (class . foo) (data-whatever . \bar"))[] @textrm will pro-duce
@texttt <g id=\123"
[661]][671][672 [662] [663]][673][674 [664]][675 [665]][676][677 [666]
[667] [668]][678][679 [669] [670]][680][681][682 [671] [672]
[673]][683 [674]][684 [675] Chapter 4 [676]][685][686][687
Writing index file internals.fn
[677] [678] [679]][688][689][690 [680] [681]][691][692][693 [682]
[683] [684]][694][695 [685] [686]][696][697][698 [687] [688]][699][700
[689] [690] [691]][701][702 [692] [693]][703][704][705 [694] [695]
Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 59897--59899
[]@textrm Optional sten-cil for @texttt PaperColumn[] @textrm or@texttt NonMus
icalPaperColumn[]@textrm . Draws the
[697] [698]][708][709][710 [699] [700]][711][712 [701] Appendix A [702]
No file internals.cps.
[703][713]][714][715][716][717 [704]][718 [705] [706][719]][720]
1896480 bytes written
(see the transcript file for additional information)
Output written on internals.pdf (720 pages).
Transcript written on internals.log.
/home/hermann/lilypond-git/scripts/build/xetex-with-options.sh exited
with bad status, quitting.
make[2]: ***
out-www/en/internals.pdf] Error 1
make[2]: *** Deleting file 'out-www/en/internals.pdf'
make[1]: ***
WWW] Error 2
make: ***
doc] Error 2
internals.texi2pdf.log and internals.log are attached.
Any insights?
It's you.
I can make doc with no issues (and I am using Xetex it seems)
texi2dvi --version
texi2dvi (GNU Texinfo 6.7)