Hi Karlin, > I'm understanding this use case wants... > * No-code GUI music entry > * Runs in a web browser > * Allows collaborative editing
Right. > I'm having trouble imagining what "collaborative editing" would look like in > a "No-code GUI." Something like PDF commenting? Has anything like that ever > been seen in the LilyPond ecosystem? Paolo Prete's Spontini-Editor might be > the closest thing I can remember. I’m thinking of Spontini+Lilybin: there’s a basic Javascript UI to add/delete elements (notes, rests, etc.), on top of a server-based Lilypond instance where the code is saved in successive versions (cf. Lilybin). 1. The student works on the file for a while by themselves. 2. They send me a link to the current version (e.g., guilily.com/wpeouryckjhg/7). 3. I log in and edit the file, and sent them back the "current" link (e.g., guilily.com/wpeouryckjhg/9). 4. We can both see the current version, and one of us can edit and save a new "current" version. To my mind, lilybin already solves the "collaborative editing" part sufficiently for my needs (and, I’m guessing, the needs of most music educators I know). The only real gap right now is the GUI. I’m trying to figure out how much work would be required to make a Javascript (or something better?) "app" that edits Lily code. Thanks, Kieren. ________________________________ Kieren MacMillan, composer (he/him/his) ‣ website: www.kierenmacmillan.info ‣ email: kie...@kierenmacmillan.info