some time ago I reported font problems in the documentation (this is, using fonts that are either not optimal, or not freely available). The basic question is which route we should go. * Reduce the number of extra fonts as much as possible to not increase the size of the documentation additionally. [Not much a problem I think since most fonts will be subsetted by ghostscript.] * Be as diverse as possible. Here are my suggestions. Please comment. Some of the fonts used originally *are* free; however, they are either no longer maintained today, or better replacements are available, thus my changes. After we have settled on the necessary fonts they should be properly documented as requirements to build the documentation. * Documentation/snippets/ Times New Roman → Source Serif Pro? Luxi Mono → DejaVu Sans Mono? Iosevka? Source Code Pro? * Documentation/snippets/changing-stanza-fonts: DejaVu Sans → ok * Documentation/snippets/ [for Japanese] → Source Han Serif Linux Libertine O → Libertinus Serif? Source Serif Pro? Linux Libertine Mono O → Libertinus Mono? (very ugly IMHO) → DejaVu Sans Mono? → Iosevka? → Source Code Pro? * input/regression/ Times New Roman → Source Serif Pro? Luxi Mono → Source Code Pro? Bitstream Vera Sans → Source Sans Pro? Dejau Sans? * input/regression/ Times New Roman → Source Serif Pro? * input/regression/ The character 'e' in one of the `\compound-meter` functions doesn't exist in 'Emmentaler', thus a platform-dependent fallback gets used (on my box, for example, it is 'Roboto-Regular'). → not sure what to do * input/regression/musicxml/31a-Directions.xml: The characters 'abc' are used in the argument of `make-dynamic-script`; they don't exist in Emmentaler, thus a platform-dependent fallback gets used. → not sure what to do * Documentation/en/notation/text.itely Times New Roman (3×) → Source Serif Pro? Luxi Mono → Source Code Pro? Bitstream Charter → ok Bitstream Vera Sans → DejaVu Sans Werner