
It seems on current master I get an error when trying to make test-basline

I *can* make test-baseline on this commit.


Author: Jonas Hahnfeld <hah...@hahnjo.de>  2020-06-29 13:16:51
Committer: Jonas Hahnfeld <hah...@hahnjo.de>  2020-07-10 11:06:33
Parent: bc38b9308ac82a72e67d971e0a15146cb3b2d625 (aclocal: use include for the in-place build too) Branches: master, remotes/origin/dev/hanwen/website, remotes/origin/dev/hanwen/xref-incdir, remotes/origin/dev/wl/fix-index, remotes/origin/master
Follows: release/2.21.2-1

    ci: Remove unneeded files from build artifacts


So somewhere between then and now.

I'll run through each commit to see if I can find the one that breaks it for me.



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