On Thu, Jun 25, 2020 at 6:00 PM Jean Abou Samra <j...@abou-samra.fr> wrote:

> So, in order to produce a concrete result, at least the point 2) should be
> accepted / understood. This is what I tried to do, but the thread seems to
> go in the opposite way. This is why I think that opening a ticket would be
> unuseful for now and I did not open it. But if you think it could be
> useful, be free (of course) to open it ...
> This is precisely the heart of the question. LilyPond development is
> (mostly) not driven by the importance of issues but rather by pleasure and
> interest. Which means that you just need one person willing to spend time
> on
> piano pedals − and skilled enough for that − regardless of the issue's
> weight. That can happen now, or in months or in years, who knows. In the
> most extreme cases, issues can be resolved a decade after they were
> reported. Look at the one David Stephen Grant fixed just two weeks ago:
> https://gitlab.com/lilypond/lilypond/-/issues/1722
> https://gitlab.com/lilypond/lilypond/-/merge_requests/119
> This is why issues are so essential. They help organize work on a long
> time frame.
> By the way, the Type::Enhancement label expresses no judgement about
> wether the
> issue is a major one. It's to be understood as opposed to Type::Defect:
> this ticket
> is about an enhancement because the current output is consistent and there
> is
> no crash.
> I opened https://gitlab.com/lilypond/lilypond/-/issues/6005 .
I would not proceed in this way.
The lack of a cautionary pedal on a bracket could be seen as an enhancement
only in a self-referential context, which doesn't make sense to me. A
proper way to proceed is to check what modern professional engravers do
with it, and check as a consequence if Lilypond is coherent with them (->
common practice)
AFAIK nobody uses a bracket without a starting word in professional
engraving, it would have too many bad side effects. And opening an issue as
an enhancement IMHO will weaken the urgency of fixing this.



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