Am Sonntag, den 21.06.2020, 14:45 +0200 schrieb Jonas Hahnfeld:
> Am Sonntag, den 21.06.2020, 13:42 +0100 schrieb Phil Holmes:
> > Merge request added.  GitLab automatically added the labels Patch New.  
> > Does 
> > that need changing to get it into master?
> No, you can ignore the label because you're not actually after review
> for that one. Just hit "Merge when pipeline succeeds" and GitLab will
> do the rest 😉 (actually includes removing the label again)

Merged !186 after it passed CI and pushed "release/2.21.2-1" to GitLab.
Last item: wait for the website to update itself 😉


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