Jonas Hahnfeld <> writes:

> (see my previous message(s) for context on GitLab CI)
> If you have spare hardware and / or want to help with CI testing, this
> is easy to setup with GitLab. First you'll need their runner and I'll
> defer to the excellent documentation:
> As testing uses Docker, those sections also apply to you.
> Once ready for registration, please send me a note off-list so that I
> can share the secret token. Because outside people could use this to
> install rogue runners, I don't want to post this publicly. Go through
> the registration steps (URL: and choose the Docker
> executor.
> Before starting the runner, consider editing the configuration file
> manually. There's extensive documentation on what to customize, for
> LilyPond the following is interesting:
>   environment = [ "MAKE_FLAGS=-j4 CPU_COUNT=4" ]
> (or whatever value you like).
> If none of our resources pick up the job, GitLab will run it on their
> shared runners. I hope we'll stay below the maximum of 50,000 minutes
> per month, but I have to figure out how to track this. I think our
> runners are prioritized, but this should become clear soon.

I think configure options should likely point to Guile-1.8 (for now) and
use --enable-checking and (to save CI minutes) --enable-gs-api .


David Kastrup

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