File lily/ (right):
lily/ free (a);
On 2020/05/02 10:15:40, hanwenn wrote:
> the code mixes setting up the GS instance (memory management etc) with
> the file. Does it have to be this way? Can we have a 
>   class Ghostscript {
>      process(string file, string device);
>      close();
>   };
>   Ghostscript *get_gs(vector<string> args);
> instead?
> I think it should be possible to construct the API such that we always
> ly:gs , and that it falls back to shelling out to GS if the API is not
> available.

No, because there are two types of arguments when using the API: args
and device_args where the latter is added to command below. This uses a
different syntax and some properties are called differently
(HWResolution vs -r for example).

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