On 2020/04/24 13:15:10, dak wrote:
> mailto:hanw...@gmail.com writes:
> > Here is how I have experienced this discussion:
> >
> > DAK: this is micro-optimization that causes memory fragmentation.
> >
> > HW: No, it's not; here is a benchmark that shows decreased memory
use as
> > well.
> >
> > DAK: We could use even different data structures in the future.
> >
> > HW: This seems very philosophical to me.
> It is interesting that you call it "philosophical" to want to change
> data structures while getting a patch of yours reviewed that wants to
> change data structures.  In particular after I indicated that I even
> have code.
> Why is it "philosophical" when someone other than you does it?
> > Maybe I misunderstood, because the hardcoding of a specific STL
> > container type predates this patch.
> Changing the used container type would be a reasonable point of time
> changing the hardcoding, particularly since it facilitates
> Also C++11 makes this considerably less awkward than previously, and
> code written with lists in mind tends to require less adaptation to
> via vectors than the other way round, anyway.

At any rate, this is not "philosophical" really.  The kind of action
done here is also provided by C++' container adaptor std::queue which
can be based off std::list as well as std::deque where the latter is a
compromise in storage use and locality between vectors and lists and
would well worth be checking out as well.

Hard-coding to one particular container type makes this a lot more
expensive and does not allow revisiting the decision for later versions
of compiler/library or actually entirely different compilers.


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