On 2020/04/25 17:07:17, hahnjo wrote:
> I strongly object to adding more random scripts to the source tree.
There are
> already far too many unmaintained in scripts/auxiliar/ with no
documentation at
> all.

How about approaching this in a different manner then?  Adding
instructions to the CG about how to benchmark LilyPond's behavior in a
sensible manner?  And if the instructions end up bothersome to follow,
back them up with scripts doing the bulk of the work?

While I agree that adding more "use-me-if-you-manage-to-find-me"
material is not overly helpful, the basic idea for providing tools for a
common task is certainly not wrong.  And there are contributors that are
more comfortable on starting their work with tasks where the main
channel of feedback is at first provided by computers, meaning that they
don't get the feeling they are taxing anybody's patience with getting
feedback on their first steps.


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