Reviewers: , Message: If nobody disagrees, I'd like to push this rather sooner than later because James is already hitting it:
For testing, I did $ make doc-clean $ make -C Documentation/ out=www out-www/notation.texi which fails without this patch. Description: Documentation: Add dependency notation.texi -> internals.texi notation.tely includes, via notation/notation-appendices.itely, many generated files (like markup-commands.tely). These are the result of processing ly/ for internals.texi Please review this at Affected files (+7, -10 lines): M Documentation/GNUmakefile Index: Documentation/GNUmakefile diff --git a/Documentation/GNUmakefile b/Documentation/GNUmakefile index 070c3fdf51036ead951aff578fc51d39bac34a4d..b26fcf3929f96234a501e2528f1af22cc13bffa5 100644 --- a/Documentation/GNUmakefile +++ b/Documentation/GNUmakefile @@ -290,26 +290,23 @@ $(outdir)/%.php: %.php $(call ly_progress,Making,$@,(hard link)) ln -f $< $@ -## notation.texi deps -$(top-build-dir)/mf/$(outconfbase)/ - $(MAKE) -C $(top-src-dir)/mf - -$(outdir)/contributor.texi: $(outdir)/ly-grammar.txt - ## Rules for the automatically generated documentation $(outdir)/ly-grammar.txt: $(top-src-dir)/lily/parser.yy $(call ly_progress,Making,$@,< yy) cd $(outdir) && $(BISON) -v $< $(buildscript-dir)/yyout2grammar $(outdir)/parser.output $@ -# There used to be a dependency on a dummy target, to force a rebuild -# of internals every time. however, this triggers -# compilation during install, which is a bad thing (tm). - $(outdir)/internals.texi: $(LILYPOND_BINARY) $(INIT_LY_SOURCES) $(SCHEME_SOURCES) $(call ly_progress,Making,$@,) cd $(outdir) && $(buildscript-dir)/run-and-check "$(LILYPOND_BINARY) --verbose $(top-src-dir)/ly/generate-documentation" "generate-documentation.log" +## Dependencies on the automatically generated documentation +$(outdir)/contributor.texi: $(outdir)/ly-grammar.txt +# notation.tely includes, via notation/notation-appendices.itely, many +# generated files (like markup-commands.tely). These are the result of +# processing ly/ for internals.texi (see above). +$(outdir)/notation.texi: $(outdir)/internals.texi + ############################################### # Documentation and translations maintenance # ###############################################