Am Sonntag, den 19.04.2020, 20:57 +0200 schrieb David Kastrup:
> Jonas Hahnfeld <> writes:
> > So I guess the fix is to delete the (temporary) directory and all
> > contained files? And maybe putting it under /tmp?
> > 
> > Oh, and ignore my comment that I had tested this with Guile 2.2. Looks
> > like I didn't (at least not properly).
> It may depend on how the literal string enters Guile whether the R/O
> detection triggers.

For the record, it's triggering something:
 $ ./out/bin/lilypond ../src/input/regression/ 
GNU LilyPond 2.21.1
Processing `../src/input/regression/'
fatal error: failed adding font file: dummyfont-VfhPDN-font.otf

But that's probably third after the uuid file and moving to /tmp.

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