On 2020/04/19 11:03:35, hahnjo wrote:
> On 2020/04/19 10:55:52, dak wrote:
> I have the vague
> > impression that the ability to do template specialisation on
typedefs would
> also
> > be able to solve part of the job here in a more elegant manner but
right now
> my
> > brain objects to more C++ style.
> Yes, I had the same feeling. However I think that the current solution
> because the template arguments are deduced from the function argument.
I don't
> currently see a way to make this work with template <> using type =,
but that
> would certainly be nice (and remove the need of using decltype and
> remove_pointer).

The principal problem is that the trampoline instantiation requires the
member function pointer as a non-type template parameter, and the type
of the non-type template parameter is not known in general.  So this
becomes a hen-and-egg problem.  Template specialisation could possibly
weasel around it but I am not sure about it.  It certainly is suspicious
that the otherwise rather comprehensive <type_traits> relying on such
techniques has nothing in its toolbox for that task.


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