On 2020/03/29 13:55:41, hanwenn wrote:
> On 2020/03/29 13:52:48, hanwenn wrote:
> > retain existing
> how's this? This leaves things backward compatible.
> Note that we're currently incoherent, because you can't do 
>  (let ((n 0)) (define sym val))

"incoherent" means in conflict with oneself.

> so coherency is probably not a great argument for keeping things as

You can do

(define sym (let ((n 0)) val))

however.  Including replacing val inline with a lambda expression making
use of a lexical capture of n.

You can also do
(define sym #f)
(let ((n 0)) (set! sym (lambda () ... n ...))

There is also letrec and various other things, all of which we don't
have available for the somewhat complex semantics of actually defining a
named markup function.


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