Am Sonntag, den 08.03.2020, 14:23 -0400 schrieb Marnen Laibow-Koser: > On Sun, Mar 8, 2020 at 2:07 PM Phil Holmes < > > > wrote: > > > > Would adding the links require manual intervention? If possible I’d > > > > like to avoid that so that there’s minimal friction when a new build is > > released. > > > > I don't see why, once they have initially been established. The only > > issue might be timing synchronisation. If the website is updated with a > > new version, it would be good to have the Mac binaries already there, > > rather than a dead link for a while. > > > > Why would there be a synchronization issue? I’m not sure I under stand the > problem you’re envisioning. > > > > > The zipped .app bundles have been about 35–56 MB. Have a look here: > > > > Too big to email. Can you ftp them to a website, or would you propose > > getting them to me with a file transfer site? > > > > I’d propose having GitLab CI (or whatever automated builder I wind up with) > post them directly to an API or FTP/SCP them to the appropriate place, or > alternatively to host then externally (on Bintray or GitLab, say) and just > provide links. But whatever we decide, it should be automatic just as I > gather it currently is with GUB. > > The idea I have: > 1. Every tag, or even every Git commit, automatically triggers a build. > 2. The completed build is automatically pushed to some download server. > 3. The website automatically provides a link to the completed build. > > Right now I already have a usable Makefile and build environment; I just > need get some final kinks out and automate step 1 with GitLab CI or > similar. Once that happens, if we can automate steps 2 and 3 as well, we > will have a fully automatic pipeline for the 64-bit Mac builds. I don’t > want any human (including myself) to be a single point of failure in the > pipeline.
It might be worth holding off this level of automation for a bit. I hope we can switch all platforms away from GUB, so this likely needs a general solution then. Jonas
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