On Wed, Feb 26, 2020 at 11:06 PM David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org> wrote:

> > There is also a bunch of verbiage about how tracking tags are evil.
> > (lilypond.org has been running Google Analytics for 15 years or so).
> Because?

We used it to improve our site layout and understand how people
discovered LilyPond, so we could improve our marketing.

It's also useful for tracking downloads. We recently discussed the PDF
manual, and if it makes sense to add the download size. If we'd
annotate the link, we could easily see how often people download the
manual, and whether it's worth time tinkering with it.

> > I suggest to focus on the needs of our project, rather than the edicts
> > of RMS.
> The FSF is not the "edicts of RMS" and it wasn't reduced to that while
> he was president, either.  They are to a good degree in the business of
> caring about details that are easily lost in complacency.  There is a
> value in that.  After all, our whole planet is slated for extinction
> through complacency by now.
> So I see no point in not trying to evaluate the feedback they bother to
> provide.  Whether we are realistically in a position to make our project
> adopt it is a different question, but I see no point in ignoring it.

I am worried that having too many criteria will get us stuck in
analysis-paralysis, which would leave in the state where we are
currently, because we can't make up our minds.

Han-Wen Nienhuys - hanw...@gmail.com - http://www.xs4all.nl/~hanwen

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