Reviewers: lemzwerg,

On 2020/02/25 11:29:35, lemzwerg wrote:
> LGTM.  Please directly push.

I think the reason I could answer this more or less off-the-cuff was
that it confused the heck out of me until I figured out the reason.  So
my fear is that when people now use M-x add-directory-local-variable RET
for adding more settings, they will think it broken for removing the .
nil stanza.  So I am pretty sure I decided to pay that cost upfront in
the default rather than having users pay it with interest once they dare
using some of the better Emacs features.

It was sort of an on-the-fence decision for me, enough to have your
request tip it the other direction.  But I think it is fair, when
touching this, to give others a chance to weigh in, too.

It's not urgent, is it?

.dir-locals.el: spell out nil settings

.dir-locals.el establishes our formatting conventions when writing and
formatting stuff with Emacs.  Since it has been written from within
Emacs using M-x add-dir-local-variable RET it spelled
(indent-tabs-mode . nil) as (indent-tabs-mode) which is confusing to
human readers.  So the file has been changed in the repo to the more
explicit form.  While this will not survive further applications of
M-x add-dir-local-variable RET, users are then responsible for their
own differences.

Please review this at

Affected files (+3, -3 lines):
  M .dir-locals.el

Index: .dir-locals.el
diff --git a/.dir-locals.el b/.dir-locals.el
--- a/.dir-locals.el
+++ b/.dir-locals.el
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
   (c-file-style . "gnu")
-  (indent-tabs-mode))
+  (indent-tabs-mode . nil))
-  (indent-tabs-mode))
+  (indent-tabs-mode . nil))
   (fill-column . 66)
-  (indent-tabs-mode)))
+  (indent-tabs-mode . nil)))

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