On 2020/02/16 21:12:50, lemzwerg wrote:
> Good idea, thanks!  LGTM.
> Apropos .lo files: We can remove STEPMAKE_LIBTOOL in `aclocal.m4`
since it isn't
> used.  I think this change would probably fit into this issue, too.

.lo files were likely needed for the midi module used in some Python
programs.  It's not all that long ago that this was replaced:

commit 37893d923c65a5f1aec6c78f7225704d2ccec666
Author: Graham Percival <gra...@percival-music.ca>
Date:   Wed Jan 18 12:09:58 2017 -0800

    Remove midi.c

It's also the only thing that we needed a C compiler (rather than C++)
for.  Well, at least regarding native compilation.  GUB of course needs
a C compiler for bootstrapping the cross-building environment.  But that
does not really concern the stuff in the LilyPond repository.


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