On 2020/02/09 22:27:55, lemzwerg wrote:
> > > What about providing an alias for the old name 'beh'
> > for backward compatibility?
> > 
> > I'd rather not since it so glaringly wrong.  [...]
> OK, but then we need either a NEWS entry or a convert-ly rule (or
both) IMHO.

git log -S '\<beh\>' --pickaxe-regex -- Documentation

does not show any documented German usage.  Language-specific conversion
rules are pretty heavy-handed (basically, a file needs to contain
\language "deutsch" but no other \language to have them apply, and the
string "beh" is also a common element of words like "behalten" so one
needs to prune carefully).  I am comparatively leery assuming that any
preexisting detected use that isn't a false positive in the first place
has worked as intended.  But on the other hand, there was no other way
to enter heh, and it's been around like this for a long time.  I'd
rather have this done proper in 2.20.


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