Janek Warchoł <janek.lilyp...@gmail.com> writes:

> Hello,
> I just got inspired by the Agile Manifesto Principles[1], specifically:
>> The most efficient and effective method of
>> conveying information to and within a development
>> team is face-to-face conversation.
> This reminded me how dynamic, positive and motivating were the LP talks in
> Salzburg. To get more of such energy I suggest to have weekly dev
> "meetings". Since not everyone would be able to participate (at least
> regularly), no binding decisions should be made there, but I'm quite sure
> it'll be helpful in getting better understanding and common perspective
> across the community.
> I'd be willing to organize and moderate the meetings (take care of
> preparing the agenda and sharing the take-aways with the devel list). I
> know that it'd be a challenge to find a time that will work for people from
> different timezones, but I'll figure somethig out (have some ideas already).
> Thumbs up or thumbs down?

What kind of meeting were you thinking of?  IRC/Chat?  Voice?  And/or

David Kastrup

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