Reviewers: thomasmorley651,
File scm/parser-ly-from-scheme.scm (right):
scm/parser-ly-from-scheme.scm:19: (define (read-lily-expression-internal
lily-string filename line closures)
On 2020/02/08 20:35:49, thomasmorley651 wrote:
> I was going to write that we would need to care about displayLilyMusic
as well,
> though checking again I noticed:
> \void \displayLilyMusic 
> \new Voice { \applyContext #(lambda (ctx) (display ctx)) b4 }
> with an older lily-build against guile-2.0.14 returns:
> \new Voice { \applyContext ##f
>  b4 }
> A todays build with guile-2.2.6 returned:
> \new Voice { \applyContext #(lambda (ctx) (display ctx))
>  b4 }
> Which is nice.
> Not sure whether it's a lilypond or guile improvement.

Uh, is this the right issue to discuss this with?  Also
dak@lola:/usr/local/tmp/lilypond$ dpkg -l guile-2.2-dev
|/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
||/ Name           Version      Architecture Description
ii  guile-2.2-dev  2.2.6+1-1    amd64        Development files for Guile

Are you completely sure that you are using a version of LilyPond
compiled with Guile-2.2.6?  Because I did not do that fix in issue 5743
on a whim but because code very similar to the above bombed out in  Maybe the test code in there behaves differently
for some reason?

parser-ly-from-scheme: Make #{ compilable

For better or worse, Guile 2 has problems byte-compiling function
values.  Factor out the previous internal function
read-lily-expression-internal and refer to it by (module-relative)
name rather than value in Guile 2.

Please review this at

Affected files (+11, -11 lines):
  M scm/parser-ly-from-scheme.scm

Index: scm/parser-ly-from-scheme.scm
diff --git a/scm/parser-ly-from-scheme.scm b/scm/parser-ly-from-scheme.scm
--- a/scm/parser-ly-from-scheme.scm
+++ b/scm/parser-ly-from-scheme.scm
@@ -16,6 +16,13 @@
 ;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 ;;;; along with LilyPond.  If not, see <>.
+(define (read-lily-expression-internal lily-string filename line closures)
+  (let* ((clone (ly:parser-clone closures (*location*)))
+         (result (ly:parse-string-expression clone lily-string filename line)))
+    (if (ly:parser-has-error? clone)
+        (ly:parser-error (_ "error in #{ ... #}") (*location*)))
+    result))
 (define-public (read-lily-expression chr port)
   "Read a lilypond music expression enclosed within @code{#@{} and @code{#@}}
 from @var{port} and return the corresponding Scheme music expression.
@@ -97,16 +104,9 @@ from @var{port} and return the corresponding Scheme music 
                                    (do ((c (copy-char) (copy-char)))
                                        ((char=? c #\nl)))))))))))))
-    (define (embedded-lilypond lily-string filename line closures)
-      (let* ((clone (ly:parser-clone closures (*location*)))
-             (result (ly:parse-string-expression clone lily-string
-                                                 filename line)))
-        (if (ly:parser-has-error? clone)
-            (ly:parser-error (_ "error in #{ ... #}") (*location*)))
-        result))
-    (list embedded-lilypond
-          lily-string filename line
-          (cons 'list (reverse! closures)))))
+    (list (if (guile-v2)
+              '(@@ (lily) read-lily-expression-internal)
+              read-lily-expression-internal)
+          lily-string filename line (cons 'list (reverse! closures)))))
 (read-hash-extend #\{ read-lily-expression)

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