David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org> writes:

> Han-Wen Nienhuys <hanw...@gmail.com> writes:
>> On Fri, Feb 7, 2020 at 6:54 PM David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org> wrote:
>>> I propose that I am going to pick up the pieces of
>>> not-actually-formally-reviewed patches making up the bulk of them and
>>> put them, Guilev2-guarded (so that they don't affect Guilev1
>>> compilations) into staging->master without going through the formal
>>> processes.
>>> The reason to do that is that the current state already likely wasted
>>> considerable time of Han-Wen by finding solutions for problems that were
>>> already previously turned into non-showstoppers although not necessarily
>>> in the cleanest manner.  But it would seem that even if part of them is
>>> likely to eventually be superseded, giving Han-Wen a better starting
>>> place would make him work and plan more effectively.
>> Thanks, David!
>> Can you mark the commits with some prefix ("GUILE2: blah") so they stand
>> out?
> Oh good grief, I remember now.  The commit I sent in the review of yours
> already had stopped working with some Guile version, and the recommended
> fix by Guile developers was in a different commit.  Cough cough.
> Most of the off-branch Guilev2 work was done by Antonio Ospite but
> without Guilev2 guards and collected by Harm who is not a C++ programmer
> and thus was not in a position to place guards.  Some of that work is,
> well, not meant for eternity.
> Nevertheless, with guards in it, it may still provide a reasonable bit
> of headstart.

Han-Wen, you might want to consider another guard like


or so in your own work to distinguish the approaches working with UTF8
natively from those that punt for the sake of getting back to something
akin to the previously working state.

That way, one will have a configuration suitable for tackling things
like byte compilation et al while the UTF-8 migration is still having
hickups to deal with.

David Kastrup
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