On Fri, Feb 7, 2020 at 12:30 PM Federico Bruni <f...@inventati.org> wrote:

> Il giorno ven 7 feb 2020 alle 12:09, Han-Wen Nienhuys <hanw...@gmail.com>
> ha scritto:
> Gerrit lacks an issue tracker or integrated CI solution
> This is a big disadvantage IMO.
> It means we should keep using SourceForge, right?
Not necessarily, but migrating issues from one place to another is work
(significant work as Trevor mentions).

The advantage of gerrit here is that we don't need to involve the
bugtracker for patch review. This means we have to touch it much less.

> My experience with Sourceforge is terrible, really terrible.
> It's the worse tracker I've ever used and I'd really like it was replaced
> by something else.

Han-Wen Nienhuys - hanw...@gmail.com - http://www.xs4all.nl/~hanwen

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