(I re-post this here, because it's a bug and maybe you have an easy fix for


please consider this snippet:

\override Staff.TextSpanner.bound-details.left.text = \markup { \small
\bold "Rit." }
\once \override Slur.outside-staff-priority = 100
\once \override DynamicText.outside-staff-priority = 200
\once \override TupletBracket.outside-staff-priority = 300
\once \override Staff.OttavaBracket.outside-staff-priority = 400
\once \override Staff.TextSpanner.outside-staff-priority = 500
\once \override TextScript.outside-staff-priority = 600

\override TupletBracket.bracket-visibility = ##t
\override TupletBracket.direction = #UP
\tuplet 5/4 { \ottava #1 c'''8^>^\mf[(^\markup{ legato }\startTextSpan  e''
f''' g''' e'''']} c''''4\stopTextSpan \ottava #0 c'')

On 2.19.83 the SVG output produces a collision on the OttavaBracket, which
is not placed at the right outside-staff-priority order. The PDF output is
ok. Is there a workaround/fix for this?


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