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Doc: Some miscellaneous suggestions from Peter Toye

Peter Toye suggested some additions/corrections to the
manuals a while ago in


He does not have the time to create a patch, so I prepared one for
him, mostly following his suggestions.
Sorry for the ambigous patch description.

Please review this at

Affected files (+28, -5 lines):
  M Documentation/learning/common-notation.itely
  M Documentation/learning/tutorial.itely
  M Documentation/notation/input.itely
  M Documentation/notation/rhythms.itely

Index: Documentation/learning/common-notation.itely
diff --git a/Documentation/learning/common-notation.itely 
--- a/Documentation/learning/common-notation.itely
+++ b/Documentation/learning/common-notation.itely
@@ -157,8 +157,9 @@ and a @notation{flat} pitch by adding @code{es}.  As you 
 expect, a @notation{double sharp} or @notation{double flat} is
 made by adding @code{isis} or @code{eses}.  This syntax is derived
 from note naming conventions in Nordic and Germanic languages,
-like German and Dutch.  To use other names for
-@notation{alterations}, see @ruser{Note names in other languages}.
+like German and Dutch.  To use other naming schemes for
+@notation{note names} and @notation{alterations},
+see @ruser{Note names in other languages}.
 \relative { cis''4 ees fisis, aeses }
@@ -1331,6 +1332,7 @@ cello = \new Staff {
 By convention, variable names consist of alphabetic characters only.
+For detailed information, see @ruser{File structure}.
 Variables must be defined @emph{before} the main music
 expression, but may be used as many times as required anywhere after
Index: Documentation/learning/tutorial.itely
diff --git a/Documentation/learning/tutorial.itely 
--- a/Documentation/learning/tutorial.itely
+++ b/Documentation/learning/tutorial.itely
@@ -213,7 +213,11 @@ Music Glossary: @rglos{pitch}, @rglos{interval},
 @rglos{scale}, @rglos{middle C}, @rglos{octave},
-LilyPond uses lower-case letters for pitches.  The letters
+LilyPond uses lower-case letters for pitches.
+The default note names are taken from the Dutch
+naming system (white piano keys are c-b).
+These note names are used in all following examples.
+The letters
 @code{c} through@tie{}@code{b} denote pitches in the
 @q{small octave} below @notation{middle C}.  Added @code{'}
 or@tie{}@code{,} suffixes indicate higher or lower octaves.
Index: Documentation/notation/input.itely
diff --git a/Documentation/notation/input.itely 
--- a/Documentation/notation/input.itely
+++ b/Documentation/notation/input.itely
@@ -456,7 +456,12 @@ foo = @{ c4 d e d @}
 This can be used later on in the file by entering @code{\foo}.  The
 name of a variable should have alphabetic characters only; no
-numbers, underscores or dashes.
+numbers, underscores or dashes.  In addition to this convention,
+variable names can include non-ASCII characters and non-adjacent
+single underscores and dashes. Any combination of characters is
+allowed if the variable name is enclosed in double quotation marks.
+In this case backslashes and double quotation marks need to be
+escaped with backslashes.
 @end itemize
@@ -863,6 +868,11 @@ Installed Files:
 @node Default layout of headers and footers
 @unnumberedsubsubsec Default layout of headers and footers
+@cindex page headers
+@cindex page footers
+@cindex headers, page
+@cindex footers, page
 @emph{Headers} and @emph{footers} are lines of text appearing at
 the top and bottom of pages, separate from the main text of a book.
 They are controlled by the following @code{\paper} variables:
@@ -2243,7 +2253,9 @@ numbers, underscores, or dashes) which cannot be confused 
with notes,
 the @code{#'} may be omitted and, as a shorthand, a list of symbols
 can use the dot separator: i.e., @code{\tag #'(violinI violinII)} can
 be written @code{\tag violinI.violinII}.  The same applies to
-@code{\keepWithTag} and @code{\removeWithTag}.
+@code{\keepWithTag} and @code{\removeWithTag}.  All tagging commands
+cannot be used to filter items that are not music expressions, such as
+@code{\book} or @code{\score} blocks.
 In the following example, we see two versions of a piece of music,
 one showing trills with the usual notation, and one with trills
Index: Documentation/notation/rhythms.itely
diff --git a/Documentation/notation/rhythms.itely 
--- a/Documentation/notation/rhythms.itely
+++ b/Documentation/notation/rhythms.itely
@@ -3320,6 +3320,11 @@ example,
 will print a warning if the @code{currentBarNumber} is not 123
 when it is processed.
+If MIDI output is selected and volta repeats are in place, the
+bar number check may fail.  It is best to suppress MIDI output
+while checking bar numbers.

  • Doc: Some mi... michael . kaeppler--- via Discussions on LilyPond development
    • Re: Doc... nine . fierce . ballads
    • Re: Doc... lemzwerg--- via Discussions on LilyPond development
    • Re: Doc... michael . kaeppler--- via Discussions on LilyPond development
    • Re: Doc... michael . kaeppler--- via Discussions on LilyPond development
    • Re: Doc... lemzwerg--- via Discussions on LilyPond development
    • Re: Doc... michael . kaeppler--- via Discussions on LilyPond development

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