
On 29/01/2020 22:47, d...@gnu.org wrote:
File Documentation/snippets/new/non-traditional-key-signatures.ly

version-specific, non-traditional, world-music"
Breaking this line breaks makelsr.py .  How did this get through?

I see that it was silently fixed in

commit c511518a4e7669ac7263f8a28565debefe25a358
Author: James Lowe <pkx1...@runbox.com>
Date:   Mon Apr 15 21:03:57 2019 +0100

     makelsr run for previous commit
Changes made based on commit
     Doc: NR - 2.10.2 - Arabic Music - improved example

diff --git
index f5967009bd..f2a16ca841 100644
--- a/Documentation/snippets/new/non-traditional-key-signatures.ly
+++ b/Documentation/snippets/new/non-traditional-key-signatures.ly
@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
  \version "2.19.21"
\header {
-  lsrtags = "contemporary-notation, pitches, staff-notation,
-  version-specific, non-traditional, world-music"
+  lsrtags = "contemporary-notation, pitches, staff-notation,
version-specific, non-traditional, world-music"

which is a really, really, really bad idea since obviously makelsr runs
are not cherry-picked, so this fix should have been made in a separate
commit.  Took me a few hours (after all, make doc will take about half
an hour on my computer).  Please folks, don't pack corrective commits
into the commits running scripts.


I don't understand what I did wrong (apologies by the way).

I often get asked to add snippets so the workflow is to test the patch with the snippet + makelsr (obviously else make doc fails) but when I come to push, the makelsr 'run' is always in a separate commit.

I thought that was the preferred way.

If you look for 'makelsr' as a commit string you can see I've been doing this 'makelsr for previous commit xxx' as a separate always.



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