Friday, January 24, 2020, 11:34:24 AM, Peter Toye wrote:

> Thursday, January 23, 2020, 5:40:00 PM, Michael Käppler wrote:

>> Do you think that 'lsusb' could be necessary? I think Federico's
>> intention was to keep the image as small as possible,
>> because one can easily install every debian
>> package in the stretch repo
>> afterwards.

> Fine, Makes sense. I'll work out how to get it.

That's easier said than done. I found the relevant package name and used 
apt-get to install it. At least, I think I did, but typing lsusb comes up with 
bash: lsusb: command not found so that's obviously not right. i tried searching 
for a file called lsusb but came up with no result.

So (newbie Linux question again) - where does apt-get put the installed 
package? Or do I have to do something else first?

Sorry for my ignorance. I think I shall have to buy a book - there's a 
wholeload in the catalogues, but I suspect most of them don't deal with this 
sort of question. I used to use Frisch for Unix admin help, but that looks very 
out of date (2009) now.

Best regards,



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