Am 20.01.2020 um 10:28 schrieb Peter Toye:
Thursday, January 16, 2020, 7:40:55 PM, you wrote:
Perhaps the best way would be to 'remove'
information from the CG and
replace it with reference/links to the github location rather than
duplicate instructions.
As I wrote on 16th of January:
Hi all,
the GitHub page has only little information that would be helpful for
newbies, IMHO.
I've already prepared a patch for the mentioned CG section but have not
posted it for review yet,
because it refers to some small changes I contributed to LilyDev in the
last days (two of them have already
been merged into master). I do not know, however, if Federico will make
a new release soon.
Attached is an extract of the CG pages we're discussing, with my recent
(yet only local) changes.
The section regarding the keyboard and locale setup will work in LilyDev
v2, in LilyDev v1 you would
need to install the mentioned tools.