Hi, one of the results of yesterday's developer meeting in Salzburg [someoneā¢ should provide a more concise summary than the notes in the GoogleDoc] was that I should go forward "integrating openLilyLib" as LilyPond's official extension mechanism.
I spent my travel back home reading through the code and writing a few summaries and drafts etc., and while doing so I came to the conclusion that the actual task, i.e. what has to be done "now" is surprisingly (not to say, disappointingly) small. I think it is best to start a discussion without looking at the current implementation at all, so any issues (architecture considerations or coding critique) with the existing oll-core code base won't distract us from the conceptual perspective. So I wrote up a very short summary of how I think an extension system should look like and what initial steps there are to be taken. If anything is unclear or needs more factual or conceptual detail I'll of course happily expand on it. For reading convenience I attach a PDF version, but for inline commenting the text below should be better. Best Urs ## Current State * openLilyLib is a set of extension packages, providing high-level functionality * `oll-core` provides the basic interface and implements required and additional functionality. ## Overall Outline * Relevant functionality will be moved from `oll-core` to LilyPond proper, providing the main extension mechanism as well as some of the additional functionality (option handling, logging ["oll:" function to report status and errors]). * The extension mechanism provides the commands `\loadPackage` and `\loadModule`, and it allows configuration options to be passed to either. It also handles package dependencies and implicit loading. (one example for using options (just for getting an idea) would be \loadPackage \with { modules = annotate.choice } scholarly. ) * This will *not* be called openLilyLib anymore (but "is" LilyPond's unnamed extension mechanism). * A core extension library shipping with LilyPond will be initiated. Extensions that are considered core functionality (prime candidates: edition-engraver, stylesheets) will eventually be moved here from openLilyLib, additionally special functionality (e.g. gregorian.ly, arabic.ly) may over time be moved there to expose the difference between core functionality and use-case specific modules more clearly. These tools will then be called through `\loadModule` instead of `\include`, which will be easy to handle with convert-ly rules. Probably it would be a good idea to eventually expose *all* non-standard notation through explicit packages and have that nicely describe in the LM. This too will not be called openLilyLib. * openLilyLib will remain similar to what it is now, a curated collection of standard packages that are not mature enough or too specific to be included in LilyPond itself. The extension mechanism will find openLilyLib packages through LilyPond's search path. * Packages can be stored anywhere on disk (=> LilyPond search path), so on the long term it may be interesting to set up an uncurated package manager like npm or CTAN/TeX Live. * Frescobaldi will provide a user interface to manage extensions but also for using them in documents (e.g. it will know about available configuration options and provide an action (context menu/dialog) to use a given package).
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