Hello colleagues! I just had a wonderful video-chat with Jan-Peter, as part of the preparations for my session “The Edition-Engraver: The benefits and limitations of tweaking LilyPond scores” at next week’s [un]conference.
Rather than simply talk for thirty minutes about how I use the edition-engraver, I feel the very best use of this historic opportunity — having so many important Lilypond developers together in one place at one time — is to dedicate some portion of my session time to a discussion/brainstorm regarding the current roadblocks facing the edition-engraver, both technically and (to a much lesser extent) from the perspective of wider adoption and use. I’m proposing I spend the first 10-15 minutes giving a more-or-less traditional presentation: an introduction to the extension/framework, examples of usage, best practices when coding with the EE, and so forth. Then, in the second "half" of the time slot, I facilitate/mediate a discussion — primarily between Jan-Peter and the main Lilypond and Frescobaldi development teams — in which we brainstorm how to bring the EE to its greatest potential, solve low-level technical issues, deeply integrate it in Frescobaldi, etc. The goal of this second section would not be to have solved the problems in 15-20 minutes, of course, but would just provide a chance for everyone to end up on the same page about this powerful tool and how it might move forward. Jan-Peter is on board for this approach. How does it sound to everyone else? Please let us know if you plan to attend, and if so whether you’d be an interested/willing participant in a brainstorm/discussion. Really looking forward to seeing all of you next week! Best, Kieren. ________________________________ Kieren MacMillan, composer (he/him/his) ‣ website: www.kierenmacmillan.info ‣ email: i...@kierenmacmillan.info