Sunday, January 5, 2020, 5:11:16 PM, you wrote:

> On 05/01/20 13:20, Peter Toye wrote:

> Any particular reason you're systemd-free? 
> Okay, my pc is, also, but I
> run gentoo which defaults to OpenRC.

I decided to go for antiX as I was able to get it to install on my antique 
laptop, which Ubuntu won't - diesn't have the right driver for the graphics 
card. And they don't like systemd.

> Most distros are systemd these days, it's much
> simpler and more reliable
> than SysVInit, and the people who are so vocal
> against it seem mostly to
> be in the "fanatic" category - "I don't like it so you should do the
> work so I don't have to use it". Sorry,  linux doesn't work like that!

I'm not knowledgeable enough to know whether the antiX team are fanatics or 
not. And I don't want to get into a flame war, thanks.

> Linux is only  "free" as in "freedom" - if  you want something you have
> to pay for  it one way  or another.  If you
> want "\rf" then  you  do it
> yourself or you get someone to do it for you -
> and if you do the latter
> then whether in money or kind you're expected to pay.

I was engraving some 19th century music which uses rf throughout, and was 
surprised not to find it built into LilyPond. I created a custom dynamic 
without difficulty (and several others which aren't built in). It's simply that 
I thought that adding \rf to the list of "normal" LP dynamics so that it would 
be useful. The reason I'm installing Linux (which I've not used before) and all 
the rest is so that I can help the community. I don't expect anything - apart 
possibly from some advice - for free, and I don't know why you should think I 

> Anyways, I'll give you a little tip, and attach my "dynamics.ily" file.
> All my custom dynamics live in here,  and I
> include it in any work that
> might need them.  I'm *guessing* that it's very similar to the standard
> definitions that exist in lilypond,  so all you will need to do is edit
> the standard file and they'll appear by magic.
> Only snag, if you modify
> your local version of lilypond,  they'll
> disappear with any upgrade :-(

Thanks - I've got a similar one with a different selection!

> Cheers,
> Wol

Best regards,


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