
after recent release of guile-2.9.5
I tried it out for building LilyPond. (with my usual guile-patches)

Obviously the short-cut `_´ for `gettext´ is replaced by `G_´ (see above link)
Though, I can't simply replace one by the other, because obviously
it's also in our lily-module.
For now I replaced enough(*) to get `make´ successfull, but I get warnings:

WARNING: (scm ps-to-png): imported module (lily) overrides core binding `_'
WARNING: (scm ly-syntax-constructors): imported module (lily)
overrides core binding `_'
WARNING: (#{ g166}#): imported module (lily) overrides core binding `_'
WARNING: (#{ g166}#): imported module (lily) overrides core binding `_'
WARNING: (#{ g166}#): imported module (lily) overrides core binding `_'

If I replace to much I get an error about undefined `G_´ (seems the
definition from lily-module takes over)(**)

I can't find where we define our own shortcut `_´ for `gettext´.


(*) If soemone's interested here the diff.

$ git diff
diff --git a/scm/lily.scm b/scm/lily.scm
index a1db5eafea..06c3da414d 100644
--- a/scm/lily.scm
+++ b/scm/lily.scm
@@ -95,15 +95,15 @@

 (define-public (call-after-session thunk)
   (if (ly:undead? lilypond-declarations)
-      (ly:error (_ "call-after-session used after session start")))
+      (ly:error (G_ "call-after-session used after session start")))
   (add-hook! after-session-hook thunk #t))

 (define (make-session-variable name value)
   (if (ly:undead? lilypond-declarations)
-      (ly:error (_ "define-session used after session start")))
+      (ly:error (G_ "define-session used after session start")))
   (let ((var (module-make-local-var! (current-module) name)))
     (if (variable-bound? var)
-        (ly:error (_ "symbol ~S redefined") name))
+        (ly:error (G_ "symbol ~S redefined") name))
     (variable-set! var value)

$ lilypond-git-guile-3.0  scheme-sandbox
GNU LilyPond 2.21.0
WARNING: (scm ps-to-png): imported module (lily) overrides core binding `_'
WARNING: (scm ly-syntax-constructors): imported module (lily)
overrides core binding `_'
Parsing...WARNING: (#{ g166}#): imported module (lily) overrides core
binding `_'

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scheme@(#{ g166}#)> _
WARNING: (#{ g166}#): imported module (lily) overrides core binding `_'
WARNING: (#{ g166}#): imported module (lily) overrides core binding `_'
$1 = #<procedure gettext (_ #:optional _ _)>
scheme@(#{ g166}#)> G_
;;; <unknown-location>: warning: possibly unbound variable `G_'
ice-9/boot-9.scm:1650:16: In procedure raise-exception:
Unbound variable: G_

Entering a new prompt.  Type `,bt' for a backtrace or `,q' to continue.

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