Am 11.10.19 um 15:13 schrieb foxfanfare:
Hi Malte, this sounds really terrific, thank you very much for your work.
How could I test it or include your patch in my score presently? Should I
wait for a new release of lilypond (2.19.83)?

You could either compile LilyPond yourself or wait for the release of 2.21.0. But I have no idea when that will be … I don’t think that these patches will be cherry-picked to 2.19.84.

For the dashed edges and easily changable vertical alignment you’ll need changes in the C++ code so compiling/waiting for release is necessary. The ottavationMarkups need only changes in scm/ly files: (there is one little change in a C++ file too but you won’t need that if you don’t use ottava at the beginning of a piece *and* Ambitus_engraver).

Malte Meyn-3 wrote
Any thoughts from your side on how to do vertical alignment best?

I'm sorry, I don't understand what alignment you have in mind?

My question was about the vertical alignment of the 8va number/text/markup and the horizontal (dashed/dotted) line:

        8_____ or 8–––– or 8°°°°°°

This could be done (1) by defining the markups using \general-align and then use the markup’s alignment (2) by defining one number/direction and use a mirrored version for ottava bassa below the staff or (3) by using a pair of numbers/directions.

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