On 2019/10/04 23:23:19, lemzwerg wrote:
* The idea of showing the type of input file is nice; this might be a
addition to showing the processing program.  I'm not sure about that,

I wouldn't put up much of a fight if someone demanded removing
it, but I find it helpful, especially during the doc build, which
is not as familiar to me as "foo.o < cc".

Below is an example of where a person not thoroughly familar with
the build process might be helped by having the type of input
logged.  One could argue that at this point, someone wondering
what make is running could use VERBOSE=1, but it's still simpler
to find "< tex" than to work backward from the actual command to
its coded form in the makefile.

$(outdir)/%.tex:  %.lytex
        $(call ly_progress,Making,$@,< lytex)
        $(buildscript-dir)/run-and-check "$(LILYPOND_BOOK_COMMAND) --pdf -o
$(outdir) $<"  "$*.lytex.log"

$(outdir)/%.tex:  %.tex
        $(call ly_progress,Making,$@,< tex)
        $(LILYPOND_BOOK_COMMAND) --pdf -o $(outdir) $<


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