Hello Jonas
On 18/09/2019 09:10, Jonas Hahnfeld via lilypond-devel wrote:
Hi all,
I'm using Lilypond since a few years and would like to start
contributing. I've tried to follow the documented process as much as
possible and would like to ask for write access to the issue tracker.
My SourceForge username is "hahnjo".
Find attached a patch to replace outdated references to code.google.com
by their SourceForge equivalent. I've uploaded to
https://codereview.appspot.com/548970043/, but can't create an
corresponding issue (see above).
No, thank *you* :)
In case it takes some time for you to get write access to the tracker I
have created an issue on your behalf - I have write access but not
permissions to give it out - at the moment I am the owner but as and
when you can change it to yourself.
That way I we can start the patch review process proper!.
Welcome aboard.
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