Werner LEMBERG <w...@gnu.org> writes:

>>> diff --git a/lily/horizontal-bracket-engraver.cc
>>> b/lily/horizontal-bracket-eng

>    if (d == STOP)
>      {
>        pop_count_++;
> -      if (pop_count_ > bracket_stack_.size ())
> +
> +      // Since N `L' events create N HorizontalBracket grobs we need (at
> +      // most) N `R' events to finish them.  However, at this particular
> +      // moment, a single-moment horizontal bracket might be created also;
> +      // this takes another `L' event (which might not have caused a new
> +      // element on `bracket_stack' yet) and its corresponding `R' event.
> +      if (pop_count_ > bracket_stack_.size () + 1)
>          ev->origin ()->warning (_ ("do not have that many brackets"));
>      }

"which might not have caused a new element"?  That sounds like this may
or may not suppress an actually warranted warning.


David Kastrup

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