James <pkx1...@runbox.com> writes:

> Hello,
> I saw arecent update by a LP user to an 'already-fixed' tracker
> <https://sourceforge.net/p/testlilyissues/issues/3290/>
> That made it into my inbox thus:
> On 06/07/2019 21:54, Christopher Heckman wrote:
>> It's isn't just the website; the boards for augmented and diminished
>> chords are calculated incorrectly.
>> \include "predefined-guitar-fretboards.ly"
>> \new FretBoards \chordmode { b:dim f:aug aes:aug g:dim }
>> The F aug chord is incorrect; it actually shows a G augmented
>> chord.

>> In all four cases, the numbers at the bottom do not match up with the
>> diagram. The B dim number should be 2343, the A flat aug 032110, and
>> G dim should be 3131.

This is just a misunderstanding of the numbers: they are not fret
numbers but fingering numbers.  It is a bit unusual that they are
present by default: typically players are expected to figure them out on
their own, and sometimes they are just inscribed in the dots.

f:aug is clearly wrong, aes:aug has the right notes but the root note is
awkward, not being the lowest.  I have no idea how guitarists would feel
about that.

David Kastrup

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