On 22/06/2019 22:48, Lukas-Fabian Moser wrote:
while engraving a Bach chorale, I stumbled over an overlarge space
between a slur and a beam. After a happy hour of trying to boil the
problem down to a minimal example, I arrived at:
\version "2.19.39"
\new Staff
a''8( b'' b'' a'')
} \\ {
This leads to the attached image.
The bug (I venture to call it such) first appeared in 2.19.39. (I
couldn't do a true bisect on the git repository because for older
versions, "make"ing LilyPond aborted with complaints about illegal
casts, so I resorted to manually bisecting through the unstable
releases - another happy half an hour :-).)
Finally, bisecting between release/2.19.38-1 and release/2.19.39-1 yields:
87eb2f9fe1be3a532675fe4b7322bbba5a60ba5c is the first bad commit
commit 87eb2f9fe1be3a532675fe4b7322bbba5a60ba5c
Author: Carl Sorensen <carl.d.soren...@gmail.com>
Date: Sat Mar 5 21:30:46 2016 -0700
Use a negative value of overdone_noteheads to shrink the head slightly
:040000 040000 3cfab39db244953418b511ac3804bc4a3f7e1450
224010f6fcca97776b8f38c5e33ed1c32be9e8f4 M input
:040000 040000 86018b9a41eb153e364f218eb9c2e9693c142d24
9a7a328516784fe2aefadcbcf344e10af1aefff0 M mf
That's about as much as I can contribute, I guess. Does anybody have
an idea what precisely is causing the problem?
I just tested this on current master and on build 2.19.38-1 (the one we
released before the one Lukas is using) and there is a difference
See attached
The top image is 2.19.38-1 and the bottom is current master.
I am using Linux (Ubuntu deriv - 18.something (Bionic Beaver?))
I'll open a ticket.
(CC-ing bug too)
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