On 4/5/2019 5:41 PM, Jahrme Risner wrote:
next step would be to examine the offerings on
and hopefully be able to create the necessary portions of the SDK exclusively
from components explicitly release as open source by Apple.
That's exactly what I was thinking, too. I've collected a list of
cross-compile projects and was reviewing their methods and requirements,
looking for a way to have Linux build a "hello world" command-line
executable for macOS without running afoul of either GNU or Apple licensing.
Some Apple Open Source things are GPL2 license, and some are Apple
Public Software License. The Free Software Foundation's review of the
APSL states a preference for the 2.0 version, which they apparently
We encourage everyone who uses any version of Apple Software under the
APSL to use the terms of version 2.0 rather than that of any earlier
...we recommend you do not release new software using this license; but
it is ok to use and improve software which other people release under
this license.
For broadest compatibility, I was looking for the oldest components that
could produce working software for the newest macOS and have the APSL
2.0 terms. But I hadn't got very far yet. I gather you can offer more
skill and capacity for this than I currently can.
Karlin High
Missouri, USA
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