Hi Daniel,
Am 27.02.19 um 15:00 schrieb Daniel Benjamin Miller:
Hi all:
I'm an undergraduate student at McGill University. As I've personally
wanted to tweak LilyPond to improve the stylistic output of my scores,
I was hoping to do some work on LilyPond this summer, perhaps through
GNU's involvement in GSOC. I have some background in font design
(although mostly with outline fonts, not METAFONT, as I've only messed
around with that), and would be interested in improving either the
font or stylesheet support (so, sort of touching on two suggestions in
the project list from last year).
Great. Be assured that the project suggestions listed on
http://lilypond.org/google-summer-of-code.html are strictly that:
suggestions. There's absolutely nothing speaking against tailoring an
alternative project.
My main caveat is that I'm not especially experienced in Scheme
(mostly having just messed around with it for LilyPond purposes),
though I'm eager to learn more and interested in working on these
issues, esp. if a mentor is available.
Are there any comments/suggestions on the current status of these
components and what I might be best advised to look at/work on?
This is a bit difficult to assess since you give us a pretty sparse idea
of your skillset. "Not especially experienced in Scheme" is a bit vague,
especially as we have no idea what "eager to learn more" would turn out
in practice.
If you're interested in font design there would be no way around dealing
with METAFONT, the other options will require dealing with Scheme and/or
C++, to various extents. Do you have any experience with C++?
If you should be heading toward a project that requires dealing with
Scheme you should maybe try to familiarize yourself with it and show
yourself and us how that would be going.
AFAICS with any projects in the realm of fonts/stylesheets there would
be mentors available, so you can go ahead and try to figure out somewhat
more concretely what you might be interested in.
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