Greetings, Alongside issue #5473, I’ve started investigating whether numbers still require to be prefixed with #. AFAICS, the only ones that still do are in markups and all markups commands, but hardly anywhere else; which _could_ make LilyPond syntax a tiny bit easier to grasp for new users… Or we can still use # everywhere as a matter of principle, even though it’s no longer a hard requirement. (Pro: less possible confusion with durations and better consistency with markup commands; Con: it’s one of those things experienced LilyPonders hardly notice anymore, but that do make the entry code a tad more exotic-looking to newcomers.)
My proposal would be to add convert-ly rules for: -any \override, \set or \tweak involving a number-defined property (including integers, decimals and negative numbers). -also handle properties defined at the context-creation level, i.e. in \with or \layout blocks. -any music functions with a number arg: barNumberCheck finger harmonicByFret harmonicByRatio mark ottava rightHandFinger shiftDurations as well as phrasingSlurDashPattern, slurDashPattern and tieDashPattern (and the new \dropNote etc. functions I recently added). Now,this may be tricky as some of those have optional args, number-or-markup args etc. Things like \ottava are quite straightforward, though. -Mainly use non-# numbers in the docs, that is: everywhere *except* in NR1.8 Markup where we’d need to explain that markup commands require numbers to be explicitely handled as Scheme tokens. -To stay on the safe side, possibly leave user-defined music functions unchanged for now. (Which includes some regtests like input/regression/ and quite a bunch of LSR snippet.) … Or, we just don’t bother and keep using (and recommending) # everywhere. Thoughts? Cheers, V. _______________________________________________ lilypond-devel mailing list