Werner LEMBERG <w...@gnu.org> writes:

>>> David's suggestion, the GNU Emacs SMIE Simple Minded Indentation
>>> Engine looks like a good place to start.  For this I need the BNF
>>> grammar for Lilypond.  Where does one find that?
>> See Appendix A in the contributor's guide.
> Uh, oh, the output is severely broken.  Attached is the bare grammar
> file as produced by `bison -v' (version 3.0.4; this slightly differs
> from earlier bison versions).
>     Werner
> PS: I'll fix the `yyout2grammar' script.

You might want to check whether Bison now offers some output option that
is more dependable than its debug output.  Personally, I tend to work
from its .dot file (graphviz output).  But there might be other options
by now as well.

David Kastrup

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