> On 17 Dec 2018, at 15:35, pkxgnugi...@runbox.com wrote:
>> FYI, Adam Good expressed interest updating the Arabic and Persian
> files for
>> LilyPond [1]. I have sent him a file with maqam from the site [2].
>> 1.
> https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-devel/2018-11/msg00105.html
>> 2. https://www.maqamworld.com/en/
> Turkish/Persian Maqams and are very different to Arabic Maqams so cannot
> - according to Hassan - be compared.

Note the difference in spelling: Turkish makam and Arabic maqam. And Persian 
dastgah. The site [2] above is of the Arabic maqam. I made a file for that in 
E53 with two commas for the microtones, using Graham Breed regular.ly, and 
Helmholtz-Ellis accidentals, cf. [3]. The Arabic maqam simply use a different 
set of accidental glyphs, two missing in the traditional system, the ones with 
arrows at [2].

It would be good if you listen to the microtonal pitches of the MIDI at [3], 
telling if they sound fine.

3. https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-user/2016-02/msg00607.html

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