Thomas Morley <> writes:

> I tried to join the party about GUB.
> So far I have a successful 'make bootstrap'
> As a next step the CG says:
> "
> Once this has completed successfully, you can build the LilyPond
> release package. However, this uses an archived version of the
> regression tests, so it is better to download this first. Download the
> test output from (you will need to replace 2.15.33-1 with
> the latest build):
> "
> Ok, I've done it, for the 2.19.82-regtests. Now the CG recommends:
> "
> Copy the tarball into ‘regtests/’, and tell the build system that you
> have done this:
> touch regtests/ignore
> "
> ???
> There is no folder in GUB called "regtests", so I've created one and
> inserted the regtest. Trying the next command, i.e.:
> [gub (master) ] $ touch regtests/ignore
> returns:
> touch: cannot touch 'regtests/ignore': no such file or directory
> Well, obviously I didn't do things correctly, but what _am_ I supposed to do?

touch just creates the named file as an empty file (if it doesn't exist
yet, otherwise it reads and writes a byte from it in order to update the
modification date).  The only way (I am simplifying here since the
symbolic-link related ways are too weird to be relevant here) to have it
clamor "no such file or directory" is when in the _current_ directory
(whatever it may be) there _is_ no directory named "regtests".  So
probably your current directory is not what the instructions expect.

David Kastrup

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