File lily/ (right): lily/ if (!scm_is_null (default_)) Why do you prioritize the default child? The only purpose of the defaultchild is to provide a default path for reaching a Bottom context via the creation of implicit contexts. You are mashing up several semantics here in something that feels like a handwavy "do-what-I-mean" scheme rather than a well-confined notion of defaultchild. I actually invested quite a bit of work to get rid of that so I'd like to know what advantage you see in adding additional semantics to defaultchild. lily/ accepted_ = scm_cons(item, scm_delete_x (item, accepted_)); I'm not overly happy with this kind of O(n^2) behavior. Most of the context definitions will be done in where duplication is not an issue because it has been taken care of manually. File lily/ (right): lily/ Acceptance_set& acc = context->acceptance_; This is a bloody mess. You take the original list without copying and call acc.accept and acc.deny and similar on it, operations which use scm_delete_x and similar for _destructively_ changing the lists in question. Previously, \accept/\denies/\defaultchild for better or worse were not interpreted in \with blocks (which is where ops comes from if I remember correctly). So you do several changes in semantics in a combination that wreaks havoc and lets \with blocks destructively change global context defs. Very much a showstopper. _______________________________________________ lilypond-devel mailing list