
Command line:
"-O size"  is gone
"-O legacy" is added, uses our old non-encodings code
"-O TeX" new default as the pdf files are smaller.
"-O TeX-GS" use if you want to include lilypond pdfs in TeX document and
postprocess the resulting pdfs with ghostscript. You also need to give
/path/ to gs.

If you use -dsafe also use -O legacy. I hope I'll fix that soon.

BTW: -dsafe on windows system is broken since 2005. Don't rely on it.

Not only fonts, but also most of our ps files are loaded by gs if -O
TeX* is given.

-dmusic-font-encodings is gone as the code has been ripped out.
-duse-cid-fonts is implemented.

-O legacy/TeX/TeX-GS set gs_load_font, gs-never-embed-fonts,
use-cid-fonts to the appropriate values, you never need to use those
parameters directly

The minimal lilypond source file t

   \version "2.21.0"
   \score { c''' }

translated with 'lilypond -O legacy --ps --pdf ; dir t.pdf;
pdffonts t.pdf' gives:

-rw-r--r-- 1 knut users  26580 30. Mai 14:14 t.pdf
-rw------- 1 knut users 150449 30. Mai 14:14

name                                 type              encoding
emb sub uni object ID
------------------------------------ ----------------- ----------------
--- --- --- ---------
BIKQCO+Emmentaler-20                 Type 1C           Custom
yes yes no       8  0
GCWIIH+TeXGyreSchola-Regular         Type 1C           Custom
yes yes no      12  0

The same file translated with 'lilypond -O TeX --ps --pdf ; dir t.pdf; pdffonts t.pdf' gives:

-rw-r--r-- 1 knut users 22589 30. Mai 14:14 t.pdf
-rw------- 1 knut users  7041 30. Mai 14:14

name                                 type              encoding
emb sub uni object ID
------------------------------------ ----------------- ----------------
--- --- --- ---------
XZJJSW+TeXGyreSchola-Regular         CID Type 0C       Identity-H
yes yes no      15  0
LDRNTC+Emmentaler-20                 CID Type 0C       Identity-H
yes yes no       9  0

  proper handling of -dsafe, also fixing the old windows security issue
mentioned above

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